Top 10 Fat-Fighting Foods

The Top 10 Fat-Fighting Foods

You can help your body burn fat by choosing the right foods instead of just eating fewer calories. Good weight-loss-boosting foods are those that keep you feeling fuller for longer, help build muscle, and keep your body healthy and efficient at burning calories.

Here are ten foods to incorporate into your daily diet to help fight the fat for even more weight loss!

1. Oatmeal

As well as being one of the most affordable healthy foods around, oatmeal is one of the healthiest breakfast options. The combination of protein-rich milk and fiber-packed whole-grain oats will keep you feeling full for hours, but avoid sugary packaged oatmeal and make your own with your favorite toppings.

Experiment to see what you like best, but cinnamon, nutmeg, berries, and banana all work well.

2. Legumes

Another affordable healthy food, legumes such as beans and lentils are perfect to keep you feeling full due to their fiber and protein content.

They’re also really versatile and easy to transform into a tasty and healthy dish—just add veggies and some seasoning, and you’ve got yourself a super healthy meal!

3. Sweet Potato

Baked potatoes have a bad reputation, but they’re actually a pretty healthy comfort food.

However, your toppings can ruin the whole thing if you’re loading up with butter, sour cream, cheese, and bacon bits. One way to avoid this is to substitute a standard potato for a sweet potato.

Baked sweet potatoes are so flavorsome that they’re delicious with just a drizzle of olive oil, meaning that you save lots of calories and fat. Sweet potatoes are also packed with important weight loss nutrients such as vitamin C, beta carotene, and potassium, as well as plenty of fiber to keep you feeling full.

4. Nuts

There’s no quicker healthy snack than a handful of nuts. They’re high in protein, making them an excellent way to curb hunger between meals, and they also pack in fiber and heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids too. But, be aware that nuts are also high in calories, so make sure to watch your portions, or go for shelled nuts like pistachios to slow you down so you don’t eat as many.

5. Quinoa

Now, this healthy eater’s favorite is more widely available in stores; we’re all getting to realize the benefits of this quick and easy food.

This whole grain has 8 grams of hunger-busting protein and 5 grams of fiber in one cup, and you’ll also get weight-loss-boosting nutrients like iron, zinc, selenium, and vitamin E. Quinoa is as easy to cook as rice; simply stir in some vegetables to make an easy, healthy meal to keep you full for longer.

6. Eggs

Eggs are on every list of the greatest foods ever, and they’re no exception when it comes to choosing a food that fights fat. In fact, egg yolks contain a nutrient called choline, which helps to reduce fat in the body, so eggs really do deserve their superfood credentials.

They’re also full of protein and a variety of nutrients to keep your body working at its best to boost your metabolism and burn fat.

7. Nonfat Milk

Like eggs, milk is another everyday food that’s actually pretty super. Go for nonfat dairy milk and benefit from this great source of protein to keep you feeling full for longer—all with none of the fat found in whole milk.

The protein in the milk is great for helping our muscles recover after exercise, and the calcium helps to boost fat burn and keep our bones strong.

8. Fish

Fish is high in protein but low in calories, making it a winning choice for those wanting to lose weight.

The best sources of fish are oily fish such as salmon, herring, and tuna, as they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which help prevent heart disease and other chronic conditions while also helping to reduce bloating and boost fat burn.

9. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt has twice as much protein as natural yogurt, so it takes longer to leave your stomach. This keeps you satisfied and helps to stop cravings.

Where possible, choose non-fat, unsweetened Greek yogurt to keep the calories and sugar content down. Mix it with fruit for an indulgent yet healthy breakfast or snack.

10. Raw Vegetable Crudités

When you’re in the mood for chips and dip, replace the chips with raw veggies to cut the calories and still satisfy your desire to crunch.

Raw veggies are low in calories and have a high water content to help keep you full, plus their vitamins and nutrients will help to increase fat burn. Spoon a little peanut butter on celery to add protein and healthy fats, up your fiber intake with some red peppers dipped into a little hummus, or spice up your carrots by dunking them in some homemade salsa.

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