Boost Energy Naturally

10 Ways to Boost Energy Naturally

There are also many ways to boost energy naturally by swapping energy-zapping habits for healthier ones! Here are ten great tips to get you energized.

1. Drink Water

If you’re dehydrated, you may feel less than energized. We know that it seems like everyone is always telling you to drink more water, but it really is one of the best things you can do for your body—not to mention the cheapest and easiest way to boost your energy levels!

Instead of soda and energy drinks, rely on a tall glass of water for calorie-free instant hydration. Plain water is exactly what your body and metabolism need to function at their best.

2. Fuel Up First Thing

For both a short and long-term energy boost, make sure you eat a high-fiber breakfast.

In a study by The University of Southern California, participants who ate a high-fiber, low-fat breakfast demonstrated the highest level of alertness between breakfast and lunch. Choose breakfast foods such as whole-grain toast or high-fiber whole-grain cereal like oatmeal or Shredded Wheat. Then, aim for 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day to continue the energy-boosting effects.

You should also never skip breakfast or any other meal, as tiredness is inevitable when your body starts running on empty.

3. Get Active

Although most people tend to avoid exercise if they’re feeling tired, it’s actually a great way to increase your energy levels!

While starting out on a new exercise routine might require a boost of energy, within a week or two of regular exercise, you’ll find yourself more focused and energized throughout the day. Plus, a good workout gets your body ready for deep sleep when it gets to bedtime, which means a more rested you for tomorrow!

4. Have A Power Snack

If you let yourself get hungry between meals, your blood sugar falls, and you feel lethargic. So, it’s important to choose the right between-meal snacks to prevent fluctuations in your energy levels.

Nutrition experts recommend snacks that contain a mix of protein, a little healthy fat, and some fiber. Peanut butter on toast, whole-grain crackers with low-fat cheese, or yogurt with a handful of nuts are ideal snacks. In all of these combinations, the carbs offer a quick pick-me-up, the protein keeps energy levels up, and the fat makes the energy last.

5. Take Regular Breaks

In our modern world, it’s distressingly common for us to work long hours and take too few breaks. Unsurprisingly, this isn’t good for you, your energy levels, or your productivity.

Take opportunities in your working day to take short breaks by going to a restroom on another floor, regularly getting up to refill your glass of water, or talking to a colleague face to face rather than sending an email. These are all great ways to burn extra calories, stretch your legs, rest your eyes, and clear your head for a few minutes, too!

Plus, in addition to being better for you, researchers at Louisiana State University found that workers who take several short breaks throughout the day work faster and make fewer mistakes than those who just take one long break, so it’s good for your company too!

6. Go For A Walk

During one of your quick breaks or sometime during the morning or evening, walk around the block a couple of times to get some fresh air. Researchers from California State University found that getting outside and walking around – even if only for 10 minutes – helps boost energy levels for up to two hours.

7. Sprinkle on Some Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are a super-healthy alternative to an espresso shot. Great for an afternoon energy boost, they’re packed with a revitalizing combination of B vitamins, fiber, and protein. Stir them into a low-sugar yogurt, or add them to your favorite smoothie or cereal for an instant boost in energy and metabolism!

8. Stretch It Out

If your day is dragging then an invigorating stretch can help to energize you.

Stand in a doorway and face forward with your feet a few inches apart. Reach to the sides of the frame. Grab the frame with your fingers, push your chest forward until you feel a stretch in your torso and back, and hold the position for 30 seconds.

This stretch stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, so it’s energizing for body and mind. It should also help with your posture if you’re sitting at a desk all day.

9. Eat A Rainbow

Your body needs a range of nutrients to work efficiently and give you the energy you need each day. The best way to ensure that you’re getting all your vitamins is to eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables.

Green veggies tend to have more protein and iron, but colorful veggies like sweet potato, carrots, and red peppers pack in antioxidants and vitamin C.

So, make sure you vary your diet every day and eat a wide range of different produce to give your body all the nutrients it needs to be energized!

10. Get An Early Night

Last but definitely not least, one of the best ways to help get you energized is sleep!

Sleep is necessary for our bodies and brains to recharge, so failing to get enough rest means that it has to work extra hard to do everyday tasks, including processing food into energy.

If you have to wake up at 6 am during the week then try to be in bed before 10 pm most nights. Going to bed early ensures good quality sleep and a more rested, relaxed you – meaning you’ll feel super energized the following day.

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